About Us

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Our Approach

Union County EMA strives to be an all inclusive agency.  Community participation is encouraged every step of the way to become a better prepared Union County.  There are several committees and groups anyone can participate in and a new, fresh view only builds better planning, response, preparedness, and mitigation.

The history of the Agency

Emergency Management on the County level was mandated by Iowa Code.  The first County-wide Emergency Operations Plan was adopted in 1989.

Roger Nurnberg was the first full-time Coordinator, after retiring from the rank of Chief at the Creston Fire Department.  He retired from the Agency in 2008.

Jo Anne Duckworth took over the reins of the Agency on July 1, 2008.  Continually updating plans, working with local first responders, building community involvement, and building a sustainable program are the priorities.

In 2016, the agency got its new home at 705 E. Taylor St., Creston, IA  50801.  The agency had rented space prior.  The building, which had been the de-commissioned USAR Center, was given to the Agency through a competitive grant process.  It has been a great move, and the building is great to work in.  We host many trainings here, meetings, and other community events.

Union County Emergency Management Agency is governed by a Commission made up of the Sheriff, one member of the Board of Supervisors, and an elected official from each city and town.  Iowa Code Section 29C and Iowa Administrative Rules 605 delineate the Agency and Commission’s responsibilities.

Meet the Emergency Management Team

The Union County Emergency Management Commission oversees the Agency.  The Coordinator, Jo Anne Duckworth, handles the day-to-day business of the Agency. Commission meetings are usually held the third Wednesday of the month, but check the calendar for changes. Meeting notices are published in the Creston News Advertiser, as well as, the EMA Office door.

Dennis Brown, Union County Board of Supervisors

Commission Chairperson

Roger Cheers

Mayor – City of Arispe

Matt Lenharat

City Council – City of Lorimor

Union County Chief Deputy Chris


Steve Wintermute

City Council – City of Creston

Terry Gilbert

Mayor – City of Shannon City

City Council – City of Afton

Bob Marquart

City Council- City of Cromwell

Bridget Hoskey

City Council- City of Thayer

Jo Anne Duckworth

Coordinator – Union County Emergency Management Agency